GVWR (lbs) | 7,000 lbs |
Tongue to Tail | 21-23 ft |
Deck Length | 16-20 ft |
Deck Width (in) | 83 in |
Deck Height (in) | 24 in |
Axles | 2- 3500 lb e-z lube axles |
Coupler | 2-5/16 in Adjustable ball coupler |
Brakes | All-wheel electric brakes |
Tie Downs | Stake pockets and Rubrail |
Floors | 2 in. x 6 in. Wood |
Fenders | Diamond Plate Reinforced Fenders |
Width between fenders | 82 in |
Tongue | 2 in x 5 in Tubing |
Frame | 2 in x 5 in Tubing |
Cross Members | 3 in. channel cross members on 16 in. centers |
Electrical | Wiring harness with LED lights and Electrical J Boxes |
Electrical Break Away Kit | included |
Tires | 235 80R15 - 8 Ply |
Safety Chains | Heavy-duty safety chains |
Wheels | Black |
Suspension | Slipper springs |
Toolbox | Chain box with lockable lid standard |
Finish | 1 coat Expoxy Primer w/Anodes & 1 Coat Black |
Jack | 7,000 lb. Drop foot jack |
Spare tire Mount | standard |
Spare Tire | Optional |
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